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Amending Mistakes on ESTA Visa Application and Understanding the Issuing Country Field



The Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) is an automated system that determines the eligibility of visitors to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). It is a convenient and efficient system, but like any application process, it requires accuracy and attention to detail. Mistakes on an ESTA application can lead to delays, rejections, and complications in your travel plans. Understanding how to amend these mistakes and properly fill out crucial fields, such as the issuing country field, is essential for a smooth application process. AMENDING MISTAKES ON ESTA VISA APPLICATION

Amending Mistakes on ESTA Visa Application

When filling out the ESTA application, it is not uncommon to make mistakes. These can range from simple typographical errors to incorrect personal information. Regardless of the nature of the mistake, it is crucial to address and amend it promptly to ensure your application is processed correctly.

Common Mistakes on ESTA Applications

  1. Personal Information Errors: Mistakes in name, date of birth, passport number, and other personal details.
  2. Incorrect Travel Information: Errors in flight details, travel dates, and destination addresses.
  3. Answering Eligibility Questions Incorrectly: Misunderstanding and incorrectly answering the eligibility questions can lead to application rejection.
  4. Payment Issues: Errors in payment details can result in the application not being processed.

Steps to Amend Mistakes

1. Review Your Application Thoroughly

Before submitting your ESTA application, review all the information carefully. Double-check your personal details, travel information, and answers to eligibility questions. This proactive step can prevent the need for amendments later on.

2. Amending Mistakes After Submission

If you realize a mistake after submitting your ESTA application, you can make changes to certain fields. However, it is important to note that not all fields can be amended once the application is submitted.

  • Editable Fields: Some fields, such as email address, phone number, and travel information, can be updated.
  • Non-Editable Fields: Fields like passport number, issuing country, and personal information cannot be changed after submission. If you need to correct these fields, you will need to submit a new application.

3. Submit a New Application

If you need to amend non-editable fields, the only solution is to submit a new ESTA application. This will involve paying the application fee again, so it is important to ensure all information is correct before submission.

4. Contacting Support

In some cases, you may need additional assistance to amend your application. Contacting ESTA support can provide guidance and help resolve issues that cannot be fixed through the online system.

Issuing Country Field on ESTA Visa Application

One of the critical fields in the ESTA application is the issuing country field. This field refers to the country that issued your passport. Accurate completion of this field is crucial for the application’s success. ISSUING COUNTRY FIELD ON ESTA VISA APPLICATION

Importance of the Issuing Country Field

The issuing country field is essential because it links your travel authorization to the specific passport you are using to travel. Any discrepancies in this field can lead to issues at immigration control, as the ESTA approval is electronically tied to the passport number and issuing country provided in the application.

How to Fill Out the Issuing Country Field

1. Identify Your Issuing Country

The issuing country is the country that issued your passport. This is usually the country where you hold citizenship. Check your passport’s information page to confirm the issuing country.

2. Use Official Country Names

When filling out the issuing country field, use the official name of the country as it appears in your passport. Avoid using abbreviations or colloquial names. For example, use “United States of America” instead of “USA.”

3. Avoid Common Mistakes

Common mistakes in the issuing country field include selecting the wrong country from the drop-down menu or entering incorrect information. Carefully select the correct country to avoid issues.

What to Do If You Make a Mistake in the Issuing Country Field

If you realize that you have made a mistake in the issuing country field after submitting your ESTA application, you will need to submit a new application. As previously mentioned, the issuing country field is one of the non-editable fields, and any errors in this field require a new application.

Best Practices for a Successful ESTA Application

To ensure a smooth and successful ESTA application process, consider the following best practices:

  1. Prepare All Information in Advance: Gather all necessary documents and information before starting the application. This includes your passport, travel itinerary, and personal details.
  2. Take Your Time: Do not rush through the application process. Take your time to carefully read each question and enter the correct information.
  3. Review and Double-Check: Before submitting your application, review all the information carefully. Double-check for any errors or omissions.
  4. Keep a Copy of Your Application: Save a copy of your completed application for your records. This can be helpful if you need to reference it later or contact support.
  5. Monitor Your Application Status: After submission, monitor the status of your application. You can check the status online using your application number.


Applying for an ESTA visa requires careful attention to detail to avoid mistakes that can complicate your travel plans. Understanding how to amend mistakes on your ESTA application and correctly filling out critical fields, such as the issuing country field, are essential steps in ensuring a smooth application process. By following best practices and being diligent in your application, you can increase the likelihood of a successful and hassle-free travel experience to the United States.

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